What Are Secured Credit Cards and When Should You Consider Applying for One?

What Are Secured Credit Cards?
Secured credit cards are issued against the collateral of a fixed deposit (FD) opened with the issuing bank. These cards provide a credit limit based on the FD amount.

How Secured Credit Cards Help Build Credit

  • Use the card for transactions.
  • Pay bills on time.
  • Gradually build your credit score.

Once you have a good credit score, you can apply for a regular credit card.

When Should You Consider a Secured Credit Card?

1. No Credit History

  • If you don’t have a credit score or credit history, a secured card can be your first step toward building one.

2. Ineligibility for Regular Credit Cards

  • If your income is below the minimum eligibility for a credit card, the bank may offer you a secured card against an FD.

3. Pathway to Regular Cards

  • Use a secured card to build your credit score. Once it improves, you can apply for a regular credit card.

Key Takeaway
Secured credit cards are an excellent solution for those with poor or no credit history to:

  • Build credit.
  • Access the benefits of a credit card.
  • Step closer to financial independence.