Looking to earn more from your everyday purchases? The Biz First Credit Card offers you fantastic rewards and perks for all kinds of transactions. Here’s a breakdown of how you can benefit:
Earn 3% CashPoints on EMI Spends
Make big purchases more affordable by converting them into EMIs while earning 3% CashPoints!
2% CashPoints on Utility Bills, Electronics, and More
Pay your utility bills, purchase electronics, or use SmartPay and PayZapp to earn 2% CashPoints on each transaction.
Get a Gift Voucher Worth ₹250
Make your first transaction within 37 days of card issuance and receive a gift voucher worth ₹250.
1% CashPoints on All Other Spends
For all other transactions, including UPI spends, you earn 1% CashPoints.
This card offers a great way to get rewarded for all your spending needs while enjoying additional perks.