Exclusive Offer Alert!
Standard Chartered Bank is offering a limited-time deal for select credit card holders: 67% discount on Magzter Gold!
Why Magzter Gold?
- Magzter is the world’s largest newsstand with a wide selection of newspapers and magazines.
- Access top stories and read whenever, wherever with the Magzter website or apps on iOS, Android, Amazon, and Windows.
Offer Validity:
- Valid Until: 30th September 2024
- Don’t miss out on this chance to dive into a vast collection of content across 40+ categories and 60+ languages!
How to Redeem:
- If you’ve received the offer communication from Standard Chartered, use the coupon code SCBANKMGOFFER during checkout.
- A redemption link will be provided via email or SMS to eligible customers.
Offer Terms & Conditions:
- Eligible Users: Only for select Standard Chartered credit card holders who receive the offer communication.
- New Users Only: The offer is not valid for existing Magzter Gold users and can only be redeemed once per card.
- Non-Combineable: This offer cannot be combined with other Standard Chartered promotions.