Credit cards are convenient, but users can face issues like hidden charges or mis-selling. To protect consumers, several laws and guidelines ensure fair practices and secure transactions. Here’s a quick breakdown of your rights as a credit cardholder in India.
1. RBI Guidelines
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) sets clear rules for fair practices:
- Banks must provide a Key Fact Statement (KFS) and Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) upfront.
- No unsolicited cards: Banks cannot issue or upgrade cards without your consent. Misuse of such cards is the bank’s liability.
- Transparent billing: Customers receive detailed statements with due dates, charges, and payment details.
- Dispute resolution: Billing disputes must be resolved within 60 days.
- Lost card liability: Once reported, your liability for misuse is capped.
- Card activation protection: Cards not activated within 37 days are automatically closed.
2. Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI)
BCSBI ensures ethical banking practices for credit card issuance:
- Banks must disclose fees, interest rates, and penalties upfront.
- Grace periods should be offered for repayments.
- Timely communication is required for changes in terms and conditions.
- Lost card misuse liability is capped after reporting.
3. Consumer Protection Act, 2019
This act empowers you to:
- File complaints against unfair trade practices, hidden charges, or poor services.
- Seek redressal through Consumer Commissions at district, state, or national levels based on claim amounts.
- Protect yourself from deceptive advertising and ensure fair services.
4. Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007
This law regulates credit card transactions to ensure:
- Secure and efficient processing of payments.
- Accountability of payment operators in case of fraud or failures.
5. Grievance Redressal: Integrated Ombudsman Scheme (2021)
A centralized mechanism for complaints against banks, NBFCs, and payment systems. This simplifies grievance redress, allowing consumers to file complaints through a single reference point for faster resolution.
Takeaway: These laws and guidelines protect your rights, ensuring fairness and security when using credit cards. Always review terms, stay informed, and know your rights to avoid hidden pitfalls.